The Greatest Show On Turf - NACKA Kickball Spring 2016 Season
Alltime Record:
79-12-1  (0.864)
Summer 2016:
  10-0-0  (1)
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Josh Keenan catches the ball as Samantha Salvatore looks on.

Jon Lucey prepares to kick the ball.

Alicia Salvatore makes a catch and prepares to throw.

Josh Keenan makes a catch.

Alicia Salvatore prepares to kick the ball.

Steven Haag boots the ball.

Steven Haag prepares to kick the ball.

Brenda Follett drives the ball.

Leo Bricks tags an opposing base runner.

Chad Irwin catches the ball.

Ken Arnold pitches the ball.

Ken Arnold prepares to pitch the ball.

Steven Haag catches the ball at 1st Base.

Leo Bricks throws the ball to 1st Base as Ken Arnold looks on.

Leo Bricks boots the ball.

Ken Arnold drives the ball.

Ken Arnold prepares to kick the ball.

Eric Travis prepares to kick the ball.

Jon Lucey makes a catch in the outfield.

Jon Lucey drives the ball.

Jon Lucey prepares to kick the ball.

Both teams wait on an important call.

Steven Haag catches a ball at 1st Base.

Ken Arnold scores a run.

Ken Arnold dodges a throw and scores a run.

Alex Kordovski scores a run.

Josh Keenan scores a run.

Ben Summit scores a run.

Matt Link scores a run.

Matt Link slides into 3rd and takes the base with him.